CHAPTER-1:1:17 (NEW IMMIGRANTS)-FALL-DAY-17          

     Eli and Ami Jankowsky were both up at dawn and the sun was starting to rise for the day.They rushed over to Garden House hoping to be able to get some more produce harvested only to find the plants were all dormant from the frost that set in overnight.It was just a light frost and would likely thaw out later.
     They both ended up going dumpster diving as it got light outside because it was still cold enough that the plants remained dormant and couldn't be harvested for the day.It had warmed up though it didn't get as warm as they'd hoped it would as the morning progressed and it got later in the day.
    They were both looking for furniture for their house and for selling to earn some cash for adding to their house in the spring.Ami ended up heading in to use the washroom and get change for the fall and coming winter season.They'd both been at it for hours and Eli finally headed in to use a washroom.
    They both took a break to have lunch and to do other things for a while before they'd go back to work in dumpster diving to look for their bed.Ami got back into the dumpster diving first because he was finished eating first.There was a traveler passing through town who stopped at Garden House.
    Eli finally got done with eating and got ready to go back out to join Ami in dumpster diving and searching for something they could use for their bed.It wasn't too long before they found a bunk bed and a bench which both got recolored later on so they could use them in their house.
    Eli was still dumpster diving as it got late in the day and evening arrived.It was 5:30 in the evening when Ami quit to get cleaned up for going home.It was also getting colder as it got later in the day and they were aware that they'd need to get cleaned up and eat dinner before getting home for the night.
     It was 7PM when Eli made it home and she didn't take too long in getting to bed after recoloring and setting up the bunk bed and the bench.Ami was still at Garden House and didn't talk to the traveler who was going to stay at Garden House for the night and move on in the morning when it was light.
    Ami got home at 7:30 and ended up deciding to get right into bed once he got home since he was tired.


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