CHAPTER-1:1:20 (NEW IMMIGRANTS)-DAY-20                     

    Eli and Ami Jankowsky were both up fairly early that morning and they were grateful it was Friday and they they still had work for the day.They watched the pater carrier drop off their paper at 9AM and decided to get their computers out and start playing chess on the computers until it was time to get ready.
    They both started playing chess and kept it up until about noon when they finally had to stop to get ready for work.They did take turns in the washroom and eating lunch before having to leave for work.They both made sure to arrive at work by 3:30 in the afternoon since they only worked until 7PM.
    They got off work at 7PM and it was already fully dark outside when Ami arrived home first and had to use the washroom again before getting to bed.It would be a little while before Eli got home and would start getting ready for bed herself because she had to take a detour to the hospital to get herself a flu shot.
    Eli got home by about 9PM after stopping for a flu shot and had to pick the trash bin up and clean up the mess before going to bed.


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