
     The residents of Winfield were all waking up to find snow still covering the ground and the temperatures still below freezing on that first morning of 1854 in early spring.It was overcast though it wasn't snowing anymore and it was also starting to clear up and turn sunny.They were hoping it would start to warm up and become more like real spring weather.The winter of 1853 had been a record-breaking harsh winter with the coldest temperatures seen since the area was first being settled.

    The Jankowsky and Ivanovitch families were all starting to make their plans to start building barns,workshops and additions to their houses once the snow melted and it warmed up after the spring thaw was finished.They would still have to deal with possible flooding from a very high river as they went through the spring thaw.They also knew it would be worse if it also started raining heavily and was raining constantly through the thawing out.

     The construction crews in Winfield decided to build a horse ranch for residents who had horses to be able to train their horses and to be able to practice riding.It was just one thing to improve the quality of life in Winfield as it was being settled.This new addition to the town would give residents another place to go if they wanted to practice riding their horse.

     The families living in Winfield were also running out of fresh ingrediants for cooking because it had snowed so much that transport couldn't get the supplies into the town.It meant that they'd been living on leftovers for a while already and the leftovers in their fridges were beginning to spoil and they were left with having to eat spoiled leftovers until new shipments came with supplies or their crops were ready for harvest.

    It was supposed to be very heavy snow falling the next day and the forecast was partly right because it became very overcast and heavy rain began to pour down on the town.It was also getting fairly warm and the snow began to melt down to a few bare green patches showing on the ground in Winfield.It took most of that day for the snow to completely melt away and it was very muddy after the snow melted.The mud was hub deep and they were having trouble getting out anywhere with the quagmire of mud from the melted snow and the continuing rainfalls.

     The next few days were mostly constant heavy rain with only one brief clear period where the sun came out from behind the clouds for a few hours one afternoon.The residents in the region had begun to find the missing who'd not turned up yet and had to return the bodies to their correct home towns.A few of the missing were to be found alive and having stayed with strangers in nearby towns after getting lost in a blizzard while out searching for food.

     The misssing French tourists lost in the early winter blizzard in the previous winter were finally found and their bodies were being shipped back to France to be returned to their family so they could have some closure and bury their loved ones.One pregnant lady who'd lost her baby to a miscarriage found out her husband had stayed with strangers for the entire winter and was coming home once it dried up and wasn't so muddy out.

     It was only clear for a few hours on that fifth day of spring before it began to cloud over again with heavy dark clouds and the rain started falling again.The ground was starting to get very soggy and there was talk of the river rising to flood levels at that time.The town's residents did hope that it wouldn't flood and the rain had the area on full-time flash flood alerts because the gound was so saturated it couldn't hold any more water.


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