CHAPTER-1:1:24 (NEW IMMIGRANTS) -DAY-24         

    Winfield got a new family arriving in the evening and they had gone to bed in their new house shortly after arriving in town because they were tired and it was late.Twelve year old Tanner Ivanovitch arrived with her twelve year old husband Tracy and they'd found their new house on a large lot near the store.
    They both got up so early the next morning that it was still dark out and there was still frost on the ground as they were getting up for the day.Their house was so tiny that they had to use sleeping bags in their kitchen to sleep since that was the only room in their house besides the washroom.They both wanted to eventually expand the house one day in the spring.Tanner felt that they could just wait it out until spring to expand.
    Tanner and Tracy both started to spend time studying skills from books and also started playing chess on their computers to build up some skills because they were both new and had no skills at all.They spent hours trying to gain a few skills and finally had to stop to take time to eat dinner and apply for part-time jobs at Shopping Plaza before they ate lunch.
    They ate lunch and went back to work learning because they had time on their hands and nothing better to do.They did hope that winter wouldn't end up being to hard on them though it wouldn't be a problem if it was cold and hard since they'd always had cold hard winters even in their old country before they thought of immigrating to North America to become pioneer settlers and move out west to settle on a farm and work the land.
    Tanner and Tracy had been though a very long and tiring day by the time it was 7PM and they were ready to start getting into bed by 7:30 in the evening.


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