CHAPTER-37-SG-Y-2-S-2-D-1-15 (SUMMER)         

     The residents of Winfield were finally getting past an exciting and very eventful spring with flooding dangers after there'd been a very snowy winter with severe blizzards and continuous snowstorms when there weren't actual blizzards hotting the town.It was finally time to start getting ready for summer and it was already 1854.It had been very hard for the Jankowskys in 1853 when they first arrived in Winfield and had no actual house on their lot until they took the time to start building the house themselves.
    Tanner and Tracy Ivanovitch had been sailing over to North America during that summer and eventually had to sail up the Mississippi from New Orleans to St.Louis,Missouri and get a stagecoach to Winfield.It took them until well into fall to get to their new homestead in Winfield.
    Lee King had still been in her English fishing village in the spring though she was about to leave for North America and the first ship leaving when she booked for passage was heading to Portland,Maine.She decided to try to make a go of it in the big city because she was running out of money and had very little left.She bought an apartment to live in without knowing that she'd been ripped off because it was far from jobs and near the clubs and bars.
    Lee had made her efforts to fix that situation as fast as she could though it was still very expensive to live in a big city.It was hard to find any housing that wasn't already developed and very expensive or was small and likely to be quickly outgrown.The only other option was to rent and still have to move when the house was outgrown.Lee decided in the fall that she'd had enough of city life and started heading out west for a homestead.
    Everybody had been through their stories of the past summer where they'd all been in different places.Lee was living in a big city last summer while Tanner and Tracy Ivanovitch were at sea sailing to North America as new immigrants to settle out west in Winfield when they finally arrived in the fall.The Jankowskys had just arrived in Winfield to find their lot was waiting for them and there was no house on it until they started to built one.
    Eli and Ami had decided to start building the barn for Racer and it was being built over the next few days.It was hot and sunny for the next few days and there was very little rain falling in Winfield.It had rained on the first few days of summer though it was just short showers for parts of those days.They were wanting to get a barn up for Racer so he wasn't exposed anymore because they'd never had a chance to get that done before winter snow arrived.
     The town forgot to suspend the food truck services for the summer that year by mistake though they'd be careful to remember for the next year.It looked like the summer was going by very quickly for the residents with the building activity everybody was taking part in.It ended up remaining sunny and dry for the next few days over the summer as they were trying to get new additions built on their homes and new workshops on the lots.
     The town had finally gotten the food truck service suspended for the remainder of the summer.There was only the ice cream truck service available until fall was due start and the food truck service was resumed for the rest of the year.They were spending days fishing and gaining skills when they didn't work or before gatting ready for work since they worked part time instead of full time.The Jankowskys had the barn finished and workshop started.
     The town of Winfield had a heat wave over the next few days and mid summer passed by very quickly with only hot sunny weather.It was sunny for the entire time period and they were all having to struggle to cope with the hot weather.The Jankowskys had gotten their workshop built in that time and the Ivanovitch family also got a workshop built at that time.
   Lee was up early that late summer morning waiting to get her workshop built and her house ready for a pet she was adopting.She'd been feeling very lonely and decided to adopt a puppy so she'd have some company in her house.She ate leftover salad for breakfast and failed to notice it had gone bad and had flies swarming around it.She decided to get a loft bed after getting a workshop built to move the plants out of the house to make room for the pet.
    Lee had managed to get the new bed bought and the workshop built so she would be able to have room for the new pet she was adopting.She also started buying the pet gear for when the puppy arrived.It was late in the season and nobody wanted to have a foal stuck outside again so they either were adopting puppies and kittens or waiting until the spring thaw to take in that foal.There were only three families in town and it might change later on.
    She was there to greet Spot when the adoption service arrived with the new puppy.It was time for them to start getting to know each other.It started getting dark out in the evening as Spot ate her dinner while Lee was about to get ready for bed.It wasn't too long before they would both have to get themselves into bed and get to sleep for the night because it was already about 7PM and Lee had to be up early for work so she didn't have to rush off.
   Lee and Spot were both up the next morning and getting ready for the day though Lee spent time talking to Spot and playing with her until it was time for work.The day had passed by very quickly for both and Lee had work in the afternoon and into the evening.She was at work from 3PM until about 7PM when she rushed back home to get ready for bed though she had to spend a little time with Spot.They were in bed by 7:30 in the evening and slept well.
   Tanner and Tracy Ivanovitch were still going through their normal daily routine on the last days of summer.They were studying logic and writing skill on their computers as usual when they weren't tending their indoor garden and the outdoor plants they still had.There was still another day left of summer once that day was done before fall would arrive and force everybody into warmer clothing as it got closer to winter.They still had leftovers to eat up.
    They got home and started eating the mac and cheese up though it had gone bad because they forgot to put it in the fridge and had to use it up.They wanted to eat before going to bed because they were both starving and hadn't eaten at work and didn't want to go to bed hungry.The summer was ending soon and all of the residents of Winfield were having to start getting ready for fall.It meant eating up the leftovers they failed to eat in the summer.
    It was the last day of summer when Eli and Ami Jankowsky got up early that morning to get ready for the day and took care of their usual daily chores.They were having to cook more meals because they'd just run out of leftovers.They were also getting ready to finish off the new room they were adding to their house before fall arrived and it started raining so hard they couldn't get anything built.They were also tending to the indoor garden before work.
    They were at work in the afternoon and it had begun to rain while they were at work and continued into the evening.It kept Racer stuck in the barn and they were moving their bed into the new room once they got home from work.It had been a hot summer with a few rainy days and winter was expected to be a dry one to make up for the harsh on they'd had the previous year.It had been so cold and stormy that lives had been lost in the storms.
    The winter of 1853 was going down in history as the hardest winter on record since the region had been settled by pioneers coming out west looking for land they could afford to own.They'd had one of the wettest springs on record earlier that year and it nearly caused the town to get flooded in lower lying areas and also nearly washed out the bridge to the island.
   Summer had also been very eventful with a new fishing spot going in and with the residents building new workshops on their lots and adding new rooms to their houses.Lee adopted a puppy and added to her home while the Ivanovitch family added a room to their home and got a workshop built.The Jankowskys got a barn built and finished a workshop before adding a bedroom to their house just before summer ended.


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