
    The Jankowskys were grateful that the sixth day of spring ended ip dawning clear and sunny for a change since it had been raining for the past few days.They were getting anxious to start getting a few outbuildings constructed on their property and to start extending their house to add a bedroom.They also were excited about the new planter boxes they's just bought recently because it meant being able to have smaller plants indoors and being able to still do some of the gardening in the winter.

    They were also eating their spoiled leftovers up to clean them out of the fridge like everybody else in town was at the time though there was only one other family living in town so far.They knew that another household was expected to be arriving at any time in the next few days.They were having to eat salad swarming with flies for dinner before getting to bed at night and it was the same for the other family in town.

     The house on the new lot was waiting for it's owner to arrive and Lee king who'd once lived in Portland was still on her way up the river to Winfield where her house was waiting for ner to arrive with her furniture and belongings.She arrived in the evening after everybody else in town was in bed for the night and had to get at least a few things unpacked before going to bed.

     Lee was up early the next morning and ended up having to eat leftover salad that had gone bad and didn't get sick though she was a little disgusted by the food.She also bought some indoor planters and started planting some  produce right away.Her house was still very empty because she'd just arrived in town and hadn't gotten fully unpacked and had not bought very much for her house before moving away from the big city because she'd been too busy saving up for travel costs to move from the city.

    Lee was getting something to eat later in the evening after getting home from work at the grocery store and she was going to sleep in the sleeping bag again since she couldn't get a bed quite yet after traveling and paying for lodgings for the winter.She decided to start saving up for the new bed and it would have to be a loft bed for her small space.

   Tanner and Tracy Ivanovitch were both up early on that eighth day of spring and it was a clear sunny day for once.It had been so cold the snow didn't melt until a few days into spring and it started raining very hard and there was steady rain for a few more days which put them at risk for severe flooding.They'd also recently bought a few planter boxes and were growing produce in them.

    Eli and Ami Jankowsky were up very early the next day and started eating more of their leftover food from their fridge though nobody noticed the flies swarming around their meals as they were eating.They were still being kept busy taking care of Racer and still inerested in being able to grow produce full time one day.

    They both knew that they'd be warming the air with their profanity if they'd had to build the second level of a bard in the winter and building the ground level was an entire book of Euclid or worse if it decided to snow and with the temperatures they ended up having to deal with all winter.It had been so cold for most of the winter of 1853 that the mercury in the thermometers was frozen.

    The town of Winfield was visited by an outlaw from Frenchman's Bayou in Arkanas further down the Mississippi to the south of Missouri.The local sheriff in Winfield ended up arresting the outlaw and holding him in jail until he could be turned over to the other sheriff to the south in exchange for the 10000$ reward which would get handed over to Lee because it was her alarm that got the outlaw caught.

    Lee King was late in getting up that morning because she'd been disturbed by the outlaw's late night visit to her house.She'd overslept and had checked her mailbox to find a check for 10000$ waiting for her to take it and cash it.It was also the last day of mid-spring and they'd be into late spring very soon.She ended up rushed off her feet all day because if the late start to the day.She also felt that Winfield was a lot better for starting and raising a family than Portland because it was easier to have a family in a smaller town.


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